Microsoft’s Bing Product Team
My role and responsibilities: UX / Visual / Graphic Designer - Visual design, illustration, art direction, team management and consulting, wireframe + sitemapping, motion design, final asset production & ownership.
Timeline: various timelines, usually 2 to 6 cycles, member of the Product Design team for 33 months (2010-2013).
For almost three years, I participated in working on multiple features of the current product build, working with prototypers and developers to build final designs, explored North-Star concepting and re-designing of current product experiences, etc. I also focused on Visual Systems: consulting and designing horizontally across product features with an emphasis on iconography, color, type, grid and other visual elements to unify the brand’s experiences.
Examples of team collaboration to develop grid systems for different categories of data across the Bing Experience. Left: final grid guidelines. Right: current live site.
One of many case studies re-imagining visual progression of certain tools and features already existing on Bing. Emphasis on the Modern principles in present Microsoft products: reduction, simplification, consistency, and ease of use.
Examples of new visualization exploration of current experiences. Emphasis on data/iconic visualization and current Modern Microsoft principles.
Examples of motion exploration of current experiences. Emphasis on icon, modular, mobile, and response to changing data and customized user settings.
Examples of redlines and detailing final designs of multiple common controls & features for Development.
Examples of redlines and detailing final designs of multiple common controls & features for Development.
One initiative I directly owned on the Design team was to clean up and improve some of the most common sprites and final assets used on Bing. I took ownership of sprites created for new experiences, and with Management and Development help, I improved efficiency, consistency and streamlined the communication process to a once divided and fragmented process in product builds.
An example of a Master File created for the Design Team, with help from other designers tasked with Visual Systems. These examples show the intent for a centralized location of all final assets, for a team of appx. 75-100 members. I also owned the final designs of some individual icons now on the live site.
Four examples of internal product guidelines for all teams (Design, Development, Management) to build more consistent features within the product experience. These are specific to Answer data triggered in the query search results page.
Responsible for creating the first guidelines and best practices for motion design on the Search Results experience, I was part of a trio (including a Senior Lead and Project Manager) to create some documentation to educate the organization behind our decisions. This task flow document was one of multiple attempts to communicate our final decisions.
Motion Design Guidelines: process photo
An example of internal Design Team communications. This was a hand-out for an off-site team-building event for higher management to refresh our focus on basic design principles, an important part of the overall Modern Microsoft principles.
One of the final projects I worked on was the newest Bing branding released to the public in Fall/Winter of 2013. Although I did not design the logo, I explored ways to display the new brand, and applying to different experiences. Seen below is exercises in applying the logo to the Home Page and Search Results page.